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 One World Realty


Riding a Tandem Bike

A couple of weekends ago I traveled across the bridge to Coronado to meet some friends for lunch.

After lunch, we went for a walk down by the Ferry Landing. It was a beautiful sunny day and there were tons of people around enjoying the day. As we walked, we watched a young couple as they tried to ride off in a newly rented tandem bike.

The man was in front telling the young lady in the back what she needed to do. “Just try to keep up,�? he said. “I’m trying,�? was her response.

After a couple of shaking minutes getting their balance, they got the hang of it and off they rode down the boardwalk.

As I watched them, I realized that real estate is a lot like riding a tandem bike.

The real estate agent is like the young man, steering the bike, giving instructions and guiding the transaction.

While the client is more like the young lady in the back. They both need to know what is happening so they don’t put on the brake just as they start up a hill, or vice versa. It’s critical that the rear rider/client be aware of all the movements prior to them being made.

The buyer clients need to follow lender guidelines, meeting inspectors on time and knowing when to remove the contingencies as outlined in the contract.

The seller clients, the teamwork starts as soon as the contract is signed. Inspections, decluttering, cleaning to start. Then keeping the home in show ready condition. Once an offer has been accepted it is the start of another ride.

It’s all about TEAMWORK. Whether you’re riding a tandem bike or buying/selling a home, the better the team works together the smoother the transaction.

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